Free Personal Finance Classes : “Money & Your Life”
Learn about modern money management, budgeting tricks, and the importance of building credit with the Marion Community Development Corporation and OnTrack Financial Education. This FREE summer series will be a three-part course in personal financial topics that everyone needs to know! The course is taught by a financial counselor from OnTrack WNC, and everyone who completes all three classes will receive a free copy of their FICO score and all their credit reports (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). The “Money & Your Life” course will be held on Tuesday evenings for three weeks in June at the McDowell Senior Center and is for anyone interested in learning more about personal finance.
Week 1- June 12th 5:30-7:00 pm “Money Management”: Learn about the nonprofit OnTrack WNC’s mission and services, create your own ‘money vision’, and learn ‘the rules’ of money management and controlling expenses.
Week 2- June 19th 5:30-7:00 pm “Creating a Budget That Works for You”: Learn how to use a cash flow plan and a budget worksheet, become familiar with the steps of budgeting, estimate your periodic expenses and learn how to start saving.
Week 3- June 26th 5:30-7:00 pm “Understanding & Improving Your Credit”: What’s on a credit report and how does a credit score impact your life? Learn how to access your credit reports and scores, plus methods to establish or repair your credit… and why it matters.
Marion CDC 3 part series summer 2018
This course is free but space is limited to 15. Please register to save your space.
Register online: Money and your Life: Summer 2018